Kellogg Turnaround Management Conference.
Most turnaround management industry experts take a forensic accounting approach, followed by liquidity or solvency solutioning. Few talk about or understand the market, management or operating underpinnings of why a company has faltered or failed. Understanding the broader strategic, contextual issues is the only way to gain traction for growth. This conference stressed the traditional elements, experts and trends facing the turnaround industry and showcased leading cases of success in the industry. This was valuable, however, we also found and attended a regional, more intimate program, later that quarter, co-sponsored -by Kellogg, and TMA (Turnaround Management Association) to be a tad more illuminating around the full picture of any turnaround – Strategy, Finance, and Operations.
More is detailed in his book: Reversing the Slide: A Strategic Guide to Turnarounds and Corporate Renewal: by James Schein. Professor Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University.
In recent years, and in varying economic times, some of the leading turnaround consultancies have incorporated broader thought into their practices and service lines, we look forward to continuing that perspective in conjunction with them.
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