Middle Market to Start Up

Middle Market Re-Calibration.

Steps to Success

Becoming a StartUp Again

An interesting blog posting about how a middle market company reinvented itself. Namely, it began to become more nimble and thoughtful about its growth strategy. The company TrinTech decided that it needed the time and discipline to aggregrate and integrate various acquisitions that it had made over recent years, in order to “create value.” That mission TrinTech decided was best done by taking the company private, giving the company the time it needed to re-calibrate. Eventually it did this so well, it captured the attention of its current private equity investor, Spectrum. Case story: http://middlemarketexecutive.com/the-curious-case-of-trintech-how-a-40-million-firm-grew-into-a-start-up/

Re-connecting with Customers

Amongst the key strategies used to grow was a commitment to becoming more customer focused. By doing so they believe that their product mix gained more resonance, traction in the marketplace.

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