Capturing An Untapped Global Client Opportunity.
Global Market Expansion
Executive Summary
Creation a new consulting line that fulfills an untapped opportunity to help corporate clients expand their businesses internationally.
Client: Global Professional Services Firm
Business Challenge
How to capitalize on frequent global manufacturing and distribution companies’ CEO/CFO request for various types of international expansion consulting advice.
Customers were seeking advice on whether to buy their way into new global markets or form alliance partnerships. They also sought help on pros/cons of various continents/countries regarding labor, assets, resources, taxation, customs etc, to decide where to build, locate, and distribute their products and services.
An informal study of these requests and existing core competencies suggested to that the Firm:
- already offered a number related local, national and international solution services: audit, tax, strategic consulting, but wasn’t optimally packaging, pricing, promoting these services.
- and a fuller more definitive and responsive comprehensive solution and value proposition seemed worth exploring and market testing/validating.
- Built straw man of value proposition and proposed new business idea to management.
- Gained managing partners’ agreement and to market test concept.
- Presented findings and built business case, outlining customer/service gap, revenue model and pitched it to management
- Gained investment, and acquired staff to market and deliver solution.
- Business grew to over $ 50 million scale with follow-on investment attention from Firm headquarters and expansion of idea internationally.