Power of Technology Platform Integration

Quick Efficiency Gains with Integrated CRM, ERP, CPQ and Contract Management

Integrated Software and Systems
Technology Software & Platform Integration

Why Every Company Should Integrate Contract Management with ERP, CRM, and CPQSpend Matters

This article reminds us of a recent professional services client who leapfrogged ahead by understanding how marketing can better connect to the business through the use of the right technology. Therein was a case of a useful, but antiquated and standalone ERP system that just didn’t connect to or account for any client/prospect-level marketing activity. Each pricing quote and contract were a stand alone exercises that leveraged very little institutional memory. With all things operating separately, in daily crisis fire drill mode, this company was clearly duplicating work on a daily basis and missing the power of many of today’s leading snap on, integrated SaaS, platforms – SalesForce.com, etc.

This article details the revenue upside and productivity gains that can be easily had through an annual business and technology review of how critical existing software and platforms are used throughout the enterprise and benefitting the strategic goals for the business, customers served.



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